Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Tape in Hair Extensions

I have always wanted to try Hair Extensions but could either never really afford it or was a bit too scared as many of the methods are very bad for your hair. A few years back my mom spent about 1500$ for Sewn in wefts to be put in and I love how her hair turned out. Ever since that I have wanted my own put a few months back when I had bought my Jessica Simpson extensions and loved how they looked but hated the clips because they would slip or show or would be itchy.So when I went to get my hair cut by my gf Britt she showed me hers that she had put in...I was sooo very intrigued and wanted to do some research on them . So i looked them up and found that they do not cause any damage to your natural hair and last anywhere from 2-3 months and can be reapplied as many times as possible as long as you keep the hair in good condition.

I went yesterday at 2pm and we dyed and then she put them in and then cut and styled them to make them look as real as possible. and I am in love love love with them they feel so very natural and look amazing!!!

If you would like to get yours done I would suggest Britt Black at Clear Hair Studio Vancouver


